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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Top Air Officer Visits Scottish RAF Stations

CAS Visits Scotland

Top Air Officer Visits Scottish RAF Stations
Britain’s most senior Royal Air Force officer has paid tribute to the role of Scottish-based airmen and women in defending the UK and its interests abroad.
The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton, made his comments during visits to two key stations north of the border – RAF Lossiemouth in Moray and RAF Leuchars in Fife –where he met veterans of the conflict in Afghanistan and some of the aircrew and support personnel who guard the UK’s airspace round-the-clock every day of the year.
CAS visits RAF ScotlandAir Chief Marshal Dalton said:
“I have greatly enjoyed my visits to both Royal Air Force Lossiemouth and Royal Air Force Leuchars and have been genuinely humbled by the selfless dedication and commitment of our people, both Royal Air Force and civilian, some of whom have recently been honoured for their bravery and outstanding operational service in Afghanistan.
“As the Secretary of State confirmed in March, as part of modernising the United Kingdom’s Defence Forces our frontline Quick Reaction Alert Typhoon squadrons - which provide vital air defence and airspace assurance of the United Kingdom - will move to RAF Lossiemouth to be joined by another new squadron in due course, and RAF Leuchars is to be transformed into a camp for UK troops and their families. I am proud of our personnel at both these stations and of the contribution that they have made and will continue to make on operations and to the security of British interests at home and abroad.”
While at RAF Lossiemouth Sir Stephen met personnel who have recently returned from Operation Herrick including members of 12 (B) Tornado GR4 squadron which recently completed its second tour of duty in south Afghanistan, serving at Kandahar Airfield, earlier this year.
CAS visits RAF ScotlandThe Squadron is currently in preparations to deploy to Afghanistan later this year and recently returned from Exercise Red Flag in the Nevada desert where it honed its advanced war-fighting skills with Coalition allies from the American and Australian Air Forces.
RAF Lossiemouth is also home to 617 “Dambusters” Squadron which this year marks 70 years since its formation and is also preparing to deploy to Afghanistan to relieve 12 (B) Squadron.
Sir Stephen also met RAF Regiment gunners from 51 Squadron two of whom - Sergeant Roy Geddes MC and Corporal Kurt Lee – were recently awarded military honours for their bravery in defending Camp Bastion from an attack by 15 armed insurgents in September last year.
On the second day of his tour Sir Stephen moved on to RAF Leuchars where 6 Squadron has recently been putting its state-of-the-art multi-role Typhoon jets through their paces in a ground attack role by carrying out training sorties dropping inert weapons off the Scottish coast.
CAS visits RAF Scotland
Other Typhoon aircraft at the station carry out its primary role by operating the jet in its fighter role as part of Quick Reaction Alert - providing crews and aircraft at high states of readiness 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to police UK airspace and to intercept unidentified aircraft.
RAF Leuchars Typhoons have also been participating in Exercise Joint Warrior, the largest international tactical exercise held in Europe, practicing missions ranging from Close Air Support, which means protecting troops on the ground, right through to Defensive Counter Air operations where the jets defend airspace and points of interest such as naval assets.
Air Officer Scotland and RAF Leuchars Station Commander, Air Commodore Gerry Mayhew said:
“The visit allowed the Chief of the Air Staff to speak to the highly-trained, quality personnel who sustain the operational outputs at RAF Leuchars every day of the year. ACM Dalton has also been able to witness the excellent work that they we are doing in support of the growth of the Typhoon Force and RAF transition in Scotland.”
At the end of his tour of Scottish RAF stations Air Chief Marshal Dalton said:
“As it has been proved many times in the past, the RAF is agile, adaptable and capable. This is especially true of the Royal Air Force’s fast jet fleet which will soon see the Lightning II join the now battle proven Typhoon and the sterling Tornado GR4. This highly capable fast-jet force will enable the Royal Air Force to continue to fulfil its paramount duty, the control of the air over the whole of the UK and, when necessary, defend and promote our interests overseas in this uncertain world.”
Editor: Simon Mander

Photographer: Cpl Dave Blackburn RAF


Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton talks to Station personnel

Wing Commander Mike Baulkwill and Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton
Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton is to visit RAF Lossiemouth, accompanied by Lady Dalton. The purpose of the visit is to apprise CAS of developments and achievements at RAF Lossiemouth, and update him on the stations mission, tasks and priorities.
Wing Commander Mike Baulkwill (left) Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton (centre) and Air Commodore Gerry Mayhew (right) pose for a photo to promote the upcoming Armed Forces Day on the 29th June 2013
RAF/MOD Crown Copyright 2013

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