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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Typhoons reach Malaysia

Typhoons reach Malaysia

25 March 2013

Number 1(Fighter) Squadron successfully complete Typhoon trail to Malaysia
1(Fighter) Squadron have successfully flown four Royal Air Force Typhoon Tranche 1 aircraft from RAF Leuchars to Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Base Butterworth.
The 7,000-mile trail was completed in four stages via Cyprus, Bahrain and Sri Lanka over four days.

2 Typhoons from 1(Fighter) Squadron trail accompanied by an Italian KC-767 tanker aircraft from 8 Squadron, Italian Air Force.
This is the first time that 1(F) Sqn has deployed on exercise as a formed unit with full ground support following their successes in the Middle East late last year. Throughout, 1(F) Sqn were not only supported by an Italian Air Force KC-767 tanker, but also made use of the RAF’s new Voyager transport capability to deploy the main party.
Officer Commanding 1(F) Sqn, Wing Commander Mark Flewin, who led the trail and commands the detachment, said:
“The success of the first phase of this detachment reflects the commitment, flexibility and capability of all personnel on Number 1(Fighter) Squadron. Whilst we had to work quickly to adapt our plans as the exercise has taken shape, the simple fact that we have trailed four aircraft half way around the world in just four days is a phenomenal achievement, particularly for a newly formed Squadron.”
Group photo of 1(Fighter) Squadron on arrival at Royal Malaysian Air Force Base Butterworth.
“A significant element of this exercise is working alongside our partner nations to improve our interoperability and adaptability so that we can meet the complex range of challenges that we may face in the context of future Operations. Working seamlessly alongside our Italian Air Force colleagues to achieve such a quick and successful deployment is a positive example of this process at work.”
One of four front line combat-ready Typhoon Units in the RAF, 1(F) Squadron will be using the detachment in Malaysia as an opportunity to conduct a variety of Multi-Role training sorties – utilising Forward Air Controllers from 16 Air Assault Brigade and the RAF Regiment – to ultimately enhance Typhoon Force Operational capability.
Wg Cdr Flewin, added:
“With the trail successfully completed and the support elements in place, we can now look forward to achieving our collective training objectives in a vastly different environment to the sleet and snow we left behind in Fife.”
Two of the Typhoons have already detached to the Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition, enabling the RAF Typhoon Display pilot to complete his first public display of 2013 to an international audience.

RAF/MOD Crown Copyright 2013

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